Tuesday, June 18, 2019

What I Ate Yesterday!


I have been wanting to share a typical day of eating with you.  Here's how yesterday went:

Breakfast:  small bowl of cereal
Lunch:  Ham and cheese sandwich
             One avocado, sliced with a little olive oil
Snack:  Small bag of caramel M&Ms.
             Diet Dr. Pepper

Dinner:  Roast beef
              Roasted potatoes
              Green peas

Dessert:  Small piece of strawberry and blueberry pie

The cereal was plain Cheerios, the avocado is a healthy fat, the M&Ms & Dr. Pepper were a treat for vacation, and the pie I made myself, so I controlled the amount of sugar, butter, and flour.  It had fresh berries, not frozen or canned.  I ate very small portions for dinner.

Don't  think weight loss is possible with a diet like this?

I've lost THREE pounds this week.  YUP!  I have averaged a mile a day walking, and I am staying busy, so I am not eating between meals.  Hell, I worked on a grab bag of chips for three days.  A handful is enough for me.  Didn't think I would ever say that, but it's true.  I try to put as much healthy food into my diet.  Thus, the avocado, fresh berries, potatoes, and peas.  The white potaoes were only ok healthy.  A veggie, but a sweet potato would have been better  No butter was used, only a little olive oil and pepper.

Eating on vacation is difficult.  You pass many temptations, only to find yourself fatter at the end.  Well, I need to keep portions small to be able to eat what I want.  Second, I have to exercise the food off.  I have averaged a mile a day walking while I've been on North Carolina.  I do not drink alcohol, and when not treating myself to a diet soda, I drink water all day long and the night as well.

I'll write another meal soon, and it will be one when I am home.  What's a typical day when on my regular schedule?  Stay tuned ...

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